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Tea Tree Oil


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Essential Oils for Skin, Hair & Face

Acne Care

100% Pure and Natural

Mood Enhancer

✔No side effects

SKIN CARE : To reduce skin inflammation, irritation, make a solution with one teaspoon coconut oil or other oil, five drops of tea tree oil Apply this on your skin every day. To treat acne, add a couple of drops of TTO to your moisturizer and apply it on the acne affected area. You will get clearer skin.
HAIR CARE : To promote hair growth, add a couple of drops of Tea Tree Oil to your regular oil and massage it into your scalp. To get rid of the dandruff, add two to three drops of this oil to your shampoo
ORAL CARE : Add a drop of this oil to water to make homemade mouthwash. To make homemade toothpaste, mix a couple of drops of coconut or other , tea tree oil to a teaspoon of baking soda. It will kill the bacteria that causes bad breath, lowers the risk of tooth decay, and also soothe the inflamed skin inside the mouth. Once in week, sterilize your tooth brush in a water mixed with a drop of Tea Tree Oil .
FOOT CARE : Anti-fungal properties of this oil is known to fight nail fungus and aids in relaxing the soles
MOOD ENHANCER : To relax your body and mind, add a few drops of this essential oil into your bathing water. It refreshes your body and the aroma soothes your mind. Also, use it in a diffuser to relax your body and mind.
PERFECT FOR AROMATHERAPY: Tea Tree has a fresh minty and vibrant aroma. One of the best ways to achieve all benefits of Tea Tree Essential Oil is to use it for diffusion. It helps you breathe healthy.

Clarifies and smoothens skin
Fights Acne and blemishes
Helps unclog hair follicles
Helps fight dandruff
Improves complexion
No side effects
No Chemicals, no artificial fragrances
Made with high quality Herbs

Apply this on your skin every day.

Tea Tree Oil


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